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2MSP Fact Sheet
PSR fact sheet summarizing the adopted outcomes of the 2MSP (second meeting of state parties to the nuclear weapons ban treaty) in Nov-Dec 2023.
UN General Assembly Resolution on Nuclear Weapons Testing and Use
On 27 October at the UN General Assembly First Committee — the committee responsible for matters of nuclear disarmament — passed a new resolution providing assistance to victims of nuclear weapons testing and use. Read our fact sheet.
1MSP Fact Sheet
PSR fact sheet summarizing the adopted outcomes of the 1MSP (meeting of state parties to the nuclear weapons ban treaty) in June 2022. Learn about the outcomes ahead of the second meeting in late 2023.
Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet
Gas stoves produce dangerous amounts of air pollutants. PSR’s new fact sheet covers the harms of gas stove pollution and steps to mitigate the impacts.
Back from the Brink: A Call to Prevent Nuclear War
Many local and national organizations have endorsed the “Back from the Brink” resolution. Introduce this resolution at your church, synagogue, civic group, medical association, university, or municipality.