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Girl With Globe Cape

Climate and Health Curriculum Training

Erica Frank, MD, MPH, FAACME, and previous PSR board member and president, gave a wonderful presentation on climate and health curriculum to PSR’s Next-Generation Ambassadors.

Graphic of people dealing with heat

How to Survive Extreme Heat

Multilingual information for patients, families & professionals

Lng Report Cover

Climate and Health Risks of Liquified Natural Gas

Read PSR’s report on liquified natural gas (LNG) and its implications for our environment, our health, and our climate.

Cover Heat Fire Water June 11 Flattened.psd

Heat, Fire, Water: How Climate Change Has Created a Public Health Emergency

Extreme heat, billowing wildfires, and water—either too much or not enough—are today’s faces of climate change. PSR board member Alan Lockwood, MD, FAAN profiles the health effects of these frightening phenomena.

Climate Postcards: Climate Change Makes Me Sick!

Our climate health e-postcards highlight the many ways that climate change harms our health. View each e-card to find information, resources, and opportunities to take climate-protective action.

Energy Efficiency And Health

Energy Efficiency and Health Fact Sheet

This fact sheet by PSR and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy shows how you can reduce your carbon footprint and improve your health.