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Fracking Compendium 9

Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking and Associated Gas and Oil Infrastructure

The ninth edition of the fracking “Compendium,” a collection of some 2,000 abstracts of and links to medical, scientific and investigative reports about the consequences of oil and gas drilling, fracking, and infrastructure.

Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet General Public

Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet

Gas stoves produce dangerous amounts of air pollutants. PSR’s new fact sheet covers the harms of gas stove pollution and steps to mitigate the impacts.

Lng Report Cover

Climate and Health Risks of Liquified Natural Gas

Read PSR’s report on liquified natural gas (LNG) and its implications for our environment, our health, and our climate.

Climate Postcards: Climate Change Makes Me Sick!

Our climate health e-postcards highlight the many ways that climate change harms our health. View each e-card to find information, resources, and opportunities to take climate-protective action.

Energy Efficiency And Health

Energy Efficiency and Health Fact Sheet

This fact sheet by PSR and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy shows how you can reduce your carbon footprint and improve your health.