Todd Sack, MD

Dr. Todd Sack serves as a board member of PSR Florida and is President of PSR’s National Board of Directors. He speaks and writes widely on the topic of environmental sustainability and climate change preparedness for healthcare practices, health professionals, and the general public. He edits the My Green Doctor practice management program on behalf of twenty-eight health professional societies (PSR Florida Chapter members have full free access to My Green Doctor as a PSR membership benefit when they register with the discount code MGDPSRFL). My Green Doctor helps physicians, nurses, and practice managers to engage in environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation to save money, use fewer resources, share wise choices with patients, and create a healthier climate. This free service is used by thousands of offices each year in more than 80 countries in English ( and in Spanish (

Dr. Sack is an AMA member and past Delegate to the AMA House of Delegates. He has authored more than twenty policies on sustainability and climate change that have been adopted by the American Medical Association and other organizations. He serves on several non-profit Boards. He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the H Wertheim College of Medicine, a graduate of UC School of Medicine at San Francisco, and a past Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCSF. He practices gastroenterology in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Many summers, Todd and his wife work in a small hospital in Tanzania.